05srz.hi.i'm.ash..i use she/they prns, i'm a minor, bisex, leo, infj-tinterest.kim.jiwoong, zb1, bopeul, marvel, music, dance, carrds.byf.zerose.only,.woongdongies,.loud.abt jiwoong and the others, mcu enthu, bxb shipper, i'm a woongbin shipper, selective, i do whatever i want.dnfi.zb1.antis,.u.don't.like.me, homophobic, jiwoong phobic, woongbin phobic, hate my ults, won't interact.loml.ults.jiwoong,.yujin,.zhang.hao, keita. semis park hanbin, taerae, sung hanbin, kamden. others haruto, yoon seobin.